Renewal of Registered Trademark

The renewal of a registered trademark can be done 6 (six) months before the expiry date of the registered trademark protection.

A registered trademark receives legal protection for a period of 10 (ten) years from the date of acceptance, and can be continuously renewed for the same period.

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Renewal Form for Registered Trademark

Fill in the following form to renew a registered trademark

Trademark Name

Application Type



Trademark Certificate

Statement of Trademark Use

*Min. size 1080x1080x px (PNG)

**Statement of Ownership signed by the responsible person of the company/legal entity above a Rp. 10,000 stamp.

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Trademark Name

Application Type



Trademark Certificate

Statement of Trademark Use

*Min. size 1080x1080x px (PNG)

**Statement of Ownership signed by the responsible person of the company/legal entity above a Rp. 10,000 stamp.

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Download here for the template of Trademark Use Statement

Trademark Renewal Power of Attorney Template


Trademark Use Statement template


Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Trademark?
Trademark is a sign that can be displayed graphically in the form of a picture, logo, name, words, letters, numbers, composition of colors, in the form of 2 (two) dimensionals and/or 3 (three) dimensionals, sound, holograms, or combinations of 2 (two) or more of these elements to distinguish goods and/or services produced by individuals or legal entities in commercial activities of goods and/or services.

A Trade Mark is a mark used on goods traded by an individual or several persons collectively or a legal entity to differentiate the goods from other goods of the same kind.

A Service Mark is a mark used on services traded by an individual or several persons collectively or a legal entity to differentiate it with other services of the same kind.

Trademark Rights is an exclusive rights granted by the state to the owner of a registered trademark for a certain period to use the trademark themselves or to grant permission to others to use it.
What is the function of trademark registration?
  • As evidence for the trademark owner who has the right to the registered trademark;
  • As a basis for rejecting trademarks applications that are identical and/or similar to the registered trademark, filed by others for the similar goods and/or services;
  • As a basis to prevent others from using the identical and/or similar trademark in commercial activities for similar goods and/or services.
Trademarks that cannot be registered
  1. contrary to state ideology, laws and regulations, morality, religion, decency, or public order;
  2. the same as, related to, or merely mentioning the goods and/or services for which registration is applied for;
  3. contains elements that may mislead the public about the origin, quality, type, size, kind, purpose of use of the goods and/or services for which registration is being applied for or is the name of a protected plant variety, for similar goods and/or services;
  4. contains information that does not in accordance with the quality, benefits, or efficacy of the goods and/or services produced;
  5. does not have distinguishing elements; and/or
  6. is a common name and/or symbol owned by the public.
Trademark registration applications are rejected if the trademark:
  1. has similarity in its essential part or in its entirety with an earlier registered trademark owned by another party for the similar goods and/or services;
  2. has similarity in its essential part or in its entirety with a well-known trademark owned by another party for the similar goods and/or services;
  3. has similarity in its essential part or in its entirety with a well-known trademark owned by another party for dissimilar goods and/or services as long as it meets certain conditions further regulated by the prevailing regulations;
  4. has similarity in its essential part or in its entirety with a well-known geographical indication; is or resembles the name of a famous person, photograph, or name of a legal entity owned by another person, except with written consent from the rightful party;
  5. constitutes a name or resembles a name or an abbreviation of name, flag, emblem, or symbol of a state, or national or international institution, except with written consent from the authorized party;
  6. constitutes an imitation or resembles official signs or stamps used by the state or government institutions, except with written consent from the authorized party;
  7. is applied for by an applicant with bad faith.
How long is the legal protection for a registered trademark?
A registered trademark receives legal protection for a period of 10 years from the date of filing of the trademark application for registration and can be continuously renewed for the same period.
What will I receive if I register a trademark at
You will receive an online filing receipt of a trademark application, which can serve as a legal evidence until the trademark is being registered and registration certificate is being issued.

The Bellezza Office Tower Lantai 19
Jalan Arteri Permata Hijau Nomor 34
Jakarta, Indonesia


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